Archived Projects

  • BME Invest

    Our placement programme offering paid work experience to those NEET

  • Resilience Project

    Supporting young people at risk of Islamist and Far-Right Extremism and Sexual Exploitation

  • The Belonging Project

    Increasing the participation, aspirations, and sense of belonging of children and young people

  • The Think Project

    Tackling and challenging racism and far-right sympathising views in young people, using an open dialogue approach

  • Young, Migrant & Welsh

    Engaging with young people from diverse backgrounds coming to and living in Wales.

  • Don't Hate Educate

  • Multi-lingual Helpline Wales

    A multi-lingual helpline designed to help BAME people across Wales

  • Online Homework Club

    Supporting young people aged 11-25 with 1-2-1 tuition in core subjects

  • EYST Crisis Project

    Description goes here
  • Race Alliance Wales

    An established network of individuals and organisations working to promote race equality in Wales.

  • Telling Our Own Stories

    A community journalism project designed to empower individuals to tell their own stories.

Help us to make a difference.