Race Alliance Wales

Supported by:

An established network of individuals and organisations working to promote race equality in Wales.

Race Alliance Wales (RAW) is an initiative which aims to act as a collaborative and self-directed platform for individuals and organisations interested in achieving race equality in Wales. Through collaborative work, we seek to contribute to a more equal, cohesive and globally responsible Wales, and to making Wales a welcoming place of safety where rights are enjoyed and BAME people can thrive. 

It was initiated in 2018 and formally launched in 2019, when it was also granted funds to undertake policy and research based work on the experience of racism BAME people in Wales have faced. This bid allowed for the recruitment of a Full Time Project Development Worker. In a formal and legal capacity, the appointed staff - namely Leila Usmani and Jami Abramson in a job share capacity - are being hosted by Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team (EYST), as RAW is not itself a registered organisation, based on its function as an Alliance. 

If you would like to become a member of the Alliance please complete a Membership Form which can be found here. Your involvement can be as hands-on as you like and all engagement is voluntary. Any queries please contact info@racealliance.wales or visit our website www.racealliance.wales

Check out our research paper

As of January 2021, our first research paper launched, authored by Leila Usmani and co-authored by Jami Abramson. With 4 peer researchers appointed and over 300 volunteering hours completed, a detailed document was put together to combine the insights of racialised people across Wales, bringing forth their experience of the country's public and political voice - do they feel represented? What do they know about the public and political appointment process? What do they recommend moving forward?

The first of its kind, this research paper hopes to bring about change at a crucial time long before Covid-19 threatened the world population. Racism is a huge issue that we look to tackle everyday because these are real lives we are talking about, involving real people. Hence we encourage you to read the paper and share it amongst your networks be it family, friends, work colleagues and/or organisations.

You can view the research paper here:

Executive Summaryhttps://bit.ly/3bPtfCk (For the Welsh version, click here)

Full Paperhttps://bit.ly/3qpU4Rm

It's not a fight for just BAME people, it's for society... changing those hearts and minds of people to acknowledge BAME communities and representation, not because we 'bang on about it' but because it's the right thing to do.

- Research Participant

All research and publications can be found here

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