Training Services
EYST Wales has over 15 years of supporting ethnic minority communities supporting thousands of clients predominantly by staff with lived experience . This puts us in a unique position in Wales as we are able to use the rich and diverse lived experience, history, heritage and stories from of our EYST colleagues to set up bespoke and tailored training. In addition, our trainers will incorporate and share their own lived experiences and real-life stories at each session. We specialise in equity, diversity and inclusion training related to minority ethnic communities and individuals and their experiences. When setting up training, we work closely with you to make sure the learning outcomes meet your needs and requirements.
Through experience, our trainers have become expert at creating safe spaces for attendees to be able to discuss sensitive topics. With 35+ years of experience between our Training Associates, we provide engaging, interactive and thought-provoking sessions. Our training can be delivered online or in-person, either at one of our EYST Wales office bases or at a venue of your choice, with a maximum of 25 attendees for a session.
We have experience in delivering training and awareness sessions to people at all levels and ages, including organisational staff from frontline to CEO level, public bodies, groups of professionals, volunteers, children and young people, groups of refugees new to the country, schoolteachers, and university lecturers.
Our EYST Wales set courses include:
· Working with Black Asian Minority Ethnic Children, Young People and Families
· Asylum Seeker and Refugee Awareness
· Anti-Racism Training (can incorporate references to Welsh Government’s Anti-racist Wales Action Plan)
· Religion and Belief
· Unconscious Bias
· Hate Crime
· Workplace related Cultural Awareness
· Radicalisation & Extremism
Even with set courses, we go a step further and when needed, adapt aspects of the training to your requirements, for example, when “Workplace related Cultural Awareness” was delivered to Senior Managers and the HR Department of a partner organisation, we included aspects of how and why their organisation should diversify their workforce, with practical tips for helping to achieve a diverse workforce and maximising inclusivity in the recruitment process, as well as support after the session.
Who has received training and awareness sessions from us?
South Wales Police, Welsh Government, Swansea University, Open University, University of Wales Trinity St David, HMPPS, CRUSE Bereavement Support, Careers Wales, Social Services, Swansea Community Farm, Keep Wales Tidy, NPT and Swansea Council, Carmarthenshire Council, Monmouthshire Council and NHS Assistant Psychologists.
Feedback received at every session reflects the open and safe atmosphere we create and the benefit of the knowledge we share and activities carried out with attendees.
“It made me think about helping people of different cultures and beliefs whilst accepting the differences and not prejudging.”
“The course was interesting, engaging and professional. It has taught me much more about how different religions and communities grieve, and being respectful as my role as a volunteer.”
“A good pace, a variety of exercises, and useful information.”
“Feeling more confident with potential clients with backgrounds cultures religions different to me links were provided to find out more information on this important topic. Awareness of diversity of funeral grieving processes and how people from ethnic minorities or seeking safety in the UK might have complicated grief due to being unable to carry out their traditional practices of burying mourning their loved ones”
“Thank you for a fantastic training sessions, and for broadening my understanding.”
“I found the course to be thought provoking, providing insight into things I had not thought of before. Thank you”
“Excellent course. Very thought provoking and realisation of how diverse our societies really are, Things that definitely need to be considered when working with clients.”
“it was a really informative session and made me aware of different cultures and helped me understand the needs and beliefs from minority ethnic communities”
“The trainers were excellent and able to bring their lived experience into the space”
“I am so pleased to have had the opportunity to have been included in this training, it has been very informative and the presenters were lovely, approachable and very knowledgeable”
The attendees particularly liked:
“The fact it was a comfortable environment, giving everyone a safe space to answer questions”
“presenter was very approachable and delivered the training in an informative but informal way which was lovely”
“Difference between migrants, refugees, asylum ...etc”
“The openness of the training and the space to explore topics without fear of saying something wrong or offend anyone.”
“Being able to ask questions that may have been quite ignorant in a safe space to learn and educate myself”
“Listening to real life examples and being made aware of issues faced by BAME families”
“It put a lot into perspective and made me question my own misconceptions”
“A safe space to learn, ask questions, chat with colleagues and have someone there who is so knowledgeable on the topic”
“It was really balanced between personal experiences and information about the Community”
“Understanding what it is like for those seeking asylum and being able to empathise, rather than hearing all of the things on social media and the news. I feel more confident in being able to challenge people”
“The questions we were asked really got me thinking how little I know about racism”
“I hadn't heard of Codeswitching before so learned about that. Good discussion about bias”