What We Offer

  • Support for BME Children and Young People

    If you are a child or young person from a minority ethnic background, you probably have the same needs as any other child or young person, just with a few extra dimensions! E.g. your parents might not speak very good English or Welsh, so they may struggle to help you with your schoolwork; you might be finding it hard to make friends in school, or may experience racism or bullying in school or in college; or you may be having lots of arguments with your parents about what you should wear, where you are allowed to go and so on…

  • Support for BME Families & Individuals

    We offer a range of support for BME Families and Individuals living across Wales:

    In Swansea, the Family Link project provides support for any BME family with specific needs around health, education, housing, social services, or any other issue. A family referred to this programme can receive support from one of our family support workers, or signposted and supported to get specialist support from other local agencies

  • Support For those seeking Sanctuary

    As well as being able to access our wider support services for BME people across Wales, we offer specific support, advice and guidance for asylum-seekers and refugees:

    In Swansea, we have the Asylum Seeker & Refugee Advice Service/ Asylum Rights Project which offers appointment-based advice from the EYST offices in Swansea in half-hour slots every weekday from Monday to Friday 10am-3pm

  • Volunteering Opportunities

    We offer a range of services aimed at increasing the awareness of the wider community about race, ethnicity and diversity issues. We deliver specific educational programmes aimed at young people; training programmes for professionals and awareness raising campaigns aimed at the wider public.

Help us to make a difference.