What We Offer
Support for BME Children and Young People
If you are a child or young person from a minority ethnic background, you probably have the same needs as any other child or young person, just with a few extra dimensions! E.g. your parents might not speak very good English or Welsh, so they may struggle to help you with your schoolwork; you might be finding it hard to make friends in school, or may experience racism or bullying in school or in college; or you may be having lots of arguments with your parents about what you should wear, where you are allowed to go and so on…
Support for BME Families & Individuals
We offer a range of support for BME Families and Individuals living across Wales:
In Swansea, the Family Link project provides support for any BME family with specific needs around health, education, housing, social services, or any other issue. A family referred to this programme can receive support from one of our family support workers, or signposted and supported to get specialist support from other local agencies
Support For those seeking Sanctuary
As well as being able to access our wider support services for BME people across Wales, we offer specific support, advice and guidance for asylum-seekers and refugees:
In Swansea, we have the Asylum Seeker & Refugee Advice Service/ Asylum Rights Project which offers appointment-based advice from the EYST offices in Swansea in half-hour slots every weekday from Monday to Friday 10am-3pm
Volunteering Opportunities
We offer a range of services aimed at increasing the awareness of the wider community about race, ethnicity and diversity issues. We deliver specific educational programmes aimed at young people; training programmes for professionals and awareness raising campaigns aimed at the wider public.