Research Library
Ethnic diversification and neighbourhood mixing: A rapidresponse analysis of the 2021 Census of England and Wales (Geographical Journal)
Business School Research: Excellence, Academic Quality and Positive Impact (Global Focus)
The disproportionality of ethnic minority teachers in England: trends, patterns, and problems
Race equality in probation follow-up: A work in progress A thematic inspection by HM Inspectorate of Probation
Summer 2023 Equalities Impact Analysis (Education) - Qualifications Wales
Equality in North Wales : Data and Evidence ( North Wales Public Sector Equality Network)
UK Adult Financial Wellbeing Survey 2021 Ethnicity Report (Money & Pension Service)
Ethnic diversity in politics and public life- House of Commons Library
Ethnic group differences in health, employment, education and housing shown in England and Wales' Census 2021- ONS
Insight on Race -Factsheet (March 2023)
Equality and Human Rights Monitor: Is Wales Fairer?
Public Health Wales Annual Workforce Equality Report Reporting period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023
Equality Report -2022-23 Audit Wales
Wales Impact Report 2022-2023 -quality and Human Rights Commission
Right to Education: Reflecting Upon School Exclusions Experienced by Minority Ethnic Pupils in Wales
Ethnicity, Race and Inequality in the UK: State of the Nation (2020). Edited by Byrne et al.
Minority Report: Race and Class in Post-Brexit Britain (2017). Edited by Omar Khan and Faiza Shaheen.
Overexposed and Under-protected: The Devastating Impact of COVID-19 on Black and Minority Ethnic Communities in Great Britain (2020). Haque et al.
Racism Ruins Lives: An Analysis of the 2015-16 Trade Unions Congress Racism at Work Survey (2019). Dr Stephen D. Ashe et al.
Race in the Workplace: The Macgregor Smith Review (2017).
Young ethnic minorities bear brunt of recessions, and it’s happening again – here’s how to stop it (2021).
The Colour of Money: How Racial Inequality Obstructs a Fair and Resilient Economy (2020). Omar Khan.
Intersecting Inequalities: The Impact of Austerity on Black and Minority Ethnic Women in the UK (2017).
Racism in Secondary Schools (2020). Dr Remi Joseph-Salisbury.
The Runnymede School Report: Race, Education and Inequality in contemporary Britain (2015). Edited by Alexander et al.
Visible Minorities, Invisible Teachers: BME Teachers in the Education System in England.
Aiming Higher: Race, Inequality and Diversity in the Academy (2015). Edited by Claire Alexander and Jason Arday.
Justice, Resistance and Solidarity: Policing in England and Wales (2015). Edited by Nadine El-Enany and Eddie Bruce-Jones.
Criminal Justice v. Racial Justice: Minority Ethnic Overrepresentation in the Criminal Justice System (2012). Edited by Kjartan Páll Sveinsson.
The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report: 20 Years On (2019). Barbara Cohen.
Tackling Racial Justice: Children and the Youth Justice System (2021). Sandra Paul. A report by JUSTICE.
From Expendable to Key Workers and Back Again: Immigration and the Lottery of Belonging (2020). Edited by Kimberly McIntosh.
Race and Elections (2015). Edited by Omar Khan and Kjartan Sveinsson.
Ethnic Minorities at the 2017 British General Election. Nicole Martin and Omar Khan (2019).
Common Ground, Contested Space: Public and campaigner thinking about racism and what this means for building public support for racial justice (2020). Lingayah et al.
Making the Case for Racial Equality: The Potential and Limits for Framing (2018). Lingayah et al.
Pushed to the Margins: A Quantitative Analysis of Gentrification in London in the 2010s (2021). Adam Almeida.
Home Truths: Undoing Racism and Delivering Real Diversity in the Charity Sector (2020). Lingayah et al.
Divide & Conquer: Anti-racist Community Organizing Under Austerity (2019). Harries et al.
Breaking the Links Between Poverty and Ethnicity in Wales (2016). Nicholl et al, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Poverty and Ethnicity in Wales (2013). Holtom et al, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Experiences of Belonging and Living in Wales (2019). Ginger Wiegand and Rocio Cifuentes, EYST Wales.
Improving Race Equality in Crime and Justice (2021). Manon Roberts, WCPP.
Improving Race Equality in Leadership and Representation (2021). Showunmi and Price, WCPP.
Improving Race Equality in Health and Social Care (2021). Hatch et al, WCPP.
mproving Race Equality in Employment and Income (2021). Hatch et al, WCPP.
Improving Race Equality in Education (2021). Jason Arday, WCPP.
Improving Race Equality in Housing and Education (2021). Jack Price, WCPP.
Improving Race Equality in Wales: Summary Report (2021). Price et al, WCPP.
Contemporary Wales (free course). The Open University.
Report on the Results of a 2016 Survey conducted by the Race Council Cymru (2016). Phil Offord, RCC.
Do The Right Thing: achieving equity in racialised representation in public and political life in Wales (2021). Usmani et al, RAW.
Show Us You Care: exploring the cumulative impact of racism upon racialised young people in the Welsh education system (2021). Abramson et al, RAW.
WISERD Research on Race and Ethnicity (2020). Dr Sally Power, WISERD.
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Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group - Interim Report (2020). Curriculum for Wales.
First Minister's BAME Covid-19 Advisory Group - Report of the Socioeconomic Group (2020). Professor Emmanuel Ogbonna, Welsh Government.
The Impact of Covid-19 on the BAME Community (2020). Karl Murray, EYST.
Equality Issues in Wales: a research review (2019). Edited by Victoria Winckler, The Bevan Foundation.
The Covid-19 Crisis and its Impact on Equality and Human Rights in Wales (2020). WCVA.
Joint NGO Shadow Report on Racial Inequality in Wales (2021). Race Equality First.
EYST Wales Consultation Form: A Response to Welsh Government's Race Equality Action Plan (2021). Rocio Cifuentes and Ginger Wiegand.
One Million Welsh Speakers - Black, Asian, Ethnic Minority and White (2021). Ar Gyfer y Dyfodol.
The Slave Trade and the British Empire, An Audit of Commemoration in Wales, Welsh Government appointed Task and Finish Group chaired by Gaynor Legall, (2021)
A threat to public safety: Policing, Racism & the Covid-19 Pandemic Institute of Race Relations, Scarlet Harris et al, 2021
BME workers on zero-hours contracts TUC and Race on the Agenda, (2021)
Who supports the families of black and minority ethnic children with life-limiting conditions? Wahida Shah Kent, PhD, Cardiff University, (2020)
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group Chaired by Charlotte Williams OBE, (2021)
The teaching of Welsh history including Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic history, identity and culture ESTYN, (2021)
Queer Migration in Wales: LGBTQ+ Asylum Seeker Housing Needs Report Displaced People in Action/Glitter Cymru, (2022)
Show Us You Care: Impact of racism on racialised young people in the Welsh education system Race Alliance Wales, (2021)
The Wales we want to see: Our response to the Future Generations Report Race Alliance Wales, Abramson et al, (2021)
Do the right thing: Racialised representation in Welsh public and political life Race Alliance Wales, Leila Usmani et al. (2021)
From Rhetoric to Reality, Our manifesto for an anti-racist Wales Race Alliance Wales, (2020)
Implicit racism, colour blindness, and narrow definitions of discrimination: Why some White people prefer ‘All Lives Matter’ to ‘Black Lives Matter (2021)
‘I don't think racism is that bad any more’: Exploring the ‘end of racism’ discourse among students in English schools (2015)
Leading Anti-racism in further education: For movement not a moment. (2021)
Report from The All Wales Minority Ethnic Engagement Programme’s Cost of Living Survey (2023). EYST Wales.
EYST Consultation Draft Child Poverty Strategy (2023). EYST Wales
Experiences of Racism and Race in Schools in Wales