Support for BME Families and individuals

Support for BME Families & Individuals

We offer a range of support for BME Families and Individuals living across Wales:

In Swansea, the Family Link project provides support for any BME family with specific needs around health, education, housing, social services, or any other issue. A family referred to this programme can receive support from one of our family support workers, or signposted and supported to get specialist support from other local agencies.

To enquire, please email

In Cardiff, Newport and Wrexham we have our BME CYP Project and Funded by Welsh Government Sustainable Social Services Third Sector Grant supporting children (aged 0 to 25) and their families from diverse ethnic background with a range of need. We work directly with them through early intervention and prevention to achieve specific wellbeing outcomes for children and young people.

o enquire, please email

In Swansea, the BME Sport Cymru project offers the opportunity to get involved in a range of sporting activities including football, swimming, badminton, tai chi, and much more - either for free or at a low cost. To enquire, please email


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