Don't Hate Educate

Offering a daily advice service for refugees or asylum seekers in Swansea

Supported by:

Resilience Project

What the project offers: 

We have a team of trained and experienced youth workers with expertise in engaging with and supporting young people around the sensitive issues of extremism and exploitation. They offer one-to-one support as well as group workshops to increase the confidence, knowledge and understanding of young people around these issues, and supporting them to make more positive choices in their lives.

Who we work with:

We work closely with schools, colleges and youth agencies such as Youth offending teams, Youth Services, as well as community safety and safeguarding agencies such as Police and Social services. We are able to take individual and group referrals, as well as self-referrals. All engagement in the programme is always voluntary and our priority is to keep young people safe and well.


The projects operates in Cardiff and Swansea, and anywhere in between!

The Think Project

What is it? 

The Think Project is an innovative educational programme which effectively tackles and challenges racism and far-right sympathising views in young people, using an open dialogue approach. Devised by EYST in 2011, it has worked with hundreds of young people each year across Wales and the South West, achieving a 95% success rate in changing young people’s views from being anti-immigrant to having a more positive understanding of diversity and immigration. 

What the project offers:

The Think programme has been designed to work with groups of young people aged 14 to 25, over a three-day programme. It can also be delivered in shorter formats, or over a longer period of time. Accredited option are also available. Two of our experienced youth workers usually deliver the programme.

Who we work with:

We take individual or group referrals from a wide range of agencies working with young people including Schools, Colleges, Alternative Education Providers, Pupil Referral Units, Secure Units, and so on.


Across Wales or other locations on request.

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