All Wales Research & Publications

Find our consultation responses, published reports and forum notes here

What is it?

EYST is committed to delivering reports and publications with the aim of helping shape public policy in Wales. This page outlines all the reports, publications, consultations and forums undertaken by the All Wales Engagement Programme team to date. 


Forum notes:

October - December 2021:

With a newly reformed team, EYST Wales continues to deliver a programme of forums dedicated to discussing topics in cross-relation to race. We have been fortunate to have guest speakers join us at every forum to offer their expertise in the following areas: Gentrification, Education and Unemployment. 

Forum 1: History, Heritage and Housing: The Gentrification of Cardiff - 27th October 2021
Forum 2: Racism in Education 2021: Where are we now? - 17th November 2021
Forum 3: Race & the Unemployment Crisis - 8th December 2021

March 2021:

Holding On to the Gains: Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on BAME groups in Wales

The report details the EYST Wales Engagement programmes’ series of topical forums during the beginning of the Covid- 19 Pandemic (March to August 2020). Dr. Royiah Saltus of the University of South Wales evaluates the content of the forums with themes ranging from the impact of Covid-19 on the mental health of children and young people to the impact on employment and security for Black, Asian and minority Ethnic people across Wales, and draws out the findings and solutions proposed by over 800 attendees at the forums. 

Read the full report.

February 2021:

Intersectionality Conference report

On Thursday 28th of January, EYST Wales held a joint conference in collaboration with Women’s Equality Network Wales, Disability Wales and Stonewall Cymru. The conference was titled ‘Race, Anti-Racism and Intersectionality: We Are All Allies’ and was attended by over 200 individuals. The conference welcomed key influential speakers and politicians from around the UK, as well as panellists from each of the 4 organizations.

Read the full report.


December 2020:

EYST Wales Routes to Public Life Programme - Evaluation Report

This report highlights EYST Wales’ Routes into Public Life Mentoring Scheme, which aims to increase the representation of ethnic minority people in Public and Political Life by matching individuals with influential public figures in Wales on a 6-month mentoring and training programme.  The initial two rounds of the scheme have demonstrated effective outcomes and impact for participants, some of whom have gone on to prominent positions in Public Life. To date 53 individuals have completed the programme, and a further 33 are on the current third round of the programme.

Read the full report.

Organisations in Wales

As part of our All Wales BAME Engagement Programme, EYST Wales has been working on mapping the breadth and diversity of BAME organisations in Wales. BAME organisations have been defined as any community group or organisation which is run predominantly for or by people of Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic backgrounds.

Take a look at the full map.

2020: Covid-19 forums

The year 2020 marked the beginning of an unprecedented pandemic which had a disproportionately negative impact on the BAME population. The All Wales engagement team thus held multiple forums to help document this disproportionate impact.

Forum 1: Covid impact on BAME communities - 25 March

Forum 2: Covid impact on BAME pupils, children & young people - 08 April

Forum 3: Covid Impact on the Muslim Communities - 01 April 

Forum 4: Covid Impact on BAME Employment - 15 April

Forum 5: Covid Impact on Food Security, Vulnerable & Older People - 22 April

Forum 6: Covid Impact on Community Cohesion - 29 April

Forum 7: Exiting Lockdown & Recovery Consideration for BAME people - 15 May

Summary document, Impact of Covid on BAME communities - 22 May

Forum 8: Employment Recovery - 27 May

Forum 9: Questions to Public Health Wales - 10 June

Forum 10: Black Lives Matter - 01 July

Forum 11: Returning to Schools - 15 July

Forum 12: Covid Impact on Young People - 24 July

Forum 13: Covid Impact on Mental Health - 05 August

Consultation Responses 2020

The All Wales Engagement Program team has also been very active in submitting consultation responses regarding issues that affect the BAME population and based on the research highlighted above. Take a look at some of our reponses: 

EYST Wales Consultation Response Electing a More Diverse Assembly May 2020 FINAL

EYST Wales Response to CYPE Committee Inquiry on Impact of COVID 19.May 2020 (002) 

EYST Wales Response Wales Affairs Select Comittee Inquiry Covid 19 Economy 

Qualification Wales Consultation on Summer 2020 Assessment Arrangements.EYST Response 

EYST Wales Response to Equalities and Local Government Committee Inquiry on Impact of COVID 10.May 2020 

All Wales EYST Forum Covid Impact on Young People.Submission to CYPE Inquiry 

EYST Wales Response Our Future Wales 31 July 2020


December 2019:

BAME experiences of Belonging and Living in Wales:

This brand new publication from EYST Wales reports the findings of its All Wales BAME Survey undertaken during 2018 -19 to explore the experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people living in Wales.

Read the full report.

February 2019:

Interm Policy Recommendations

The All Wales BAME (Black Asian Minority Ethnic) Engagement Programme aims to gather views and experiences of BAME people living in Wales and improve the evidence base from which to positively influence Welsh Government policies and public services to better reflect the needs of BAME communities. The following are interim recommendations from the project.  They relate to four main areas of concern:  racism and Islamophobia, racial equality in education, employment and socio-economic outcomes and representation in public life.

Read the full report: All Wales BAME Engagement Programme Policy Recommendations

October 2018:

Experiences of Racism & ‘Race’ in Schools in Wales

"Experiences of Racism and 'Race' in Schools" is a collaborative project by Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team Wales, Show Racism the Red Card, Race Council Cymru, TGP Cymru. 

Find out more.

Read the full report.

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