As part of our All Wales Black Asian Minority Ethnic Engagement Programme, EYST Wales has been working on mapping the breadth and diversity of organisations in Wales.

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Across Wales 


BAWSO is an All Wales organisation providing services for those affected or are at risk of domestic abuse and all forms of violence.


BMHS is a not-for-profit organisation focused on education and advocacy to inspire a mentally healthy Black Asian Minority Ethnic community by providing support appropriate to their mental health and wellbeing.

City of Sanctuary UK

City of Sanctuary UK holds the vision that our nations will be welcoming places of safety for all and proud to offer sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution. City of Sanctuary UK supports a network of groups and others engaged in Streams of Sanctuary.

Black History Wales

Through the creative arts, promotes a better understanding of black history. We believe in the power of the arts to enrich and to change the lives of black people in Wales.

Displaced People in Action

DPA support Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Wales.

Black Lives Matter Wales

Black Lives Matter (BLM) Wales is a movement led by individuals who stand together against racial injustices experienced by black people in Wales and globally.

Cwmpas/Digital Communities Wales

Digital Confidence, Health and Well-being exists to reduce digital exclusion in Wales. We want a Wales where everyone has the skills, access and motivation to be a confident user of digital technology. For further details and support, please contact our Digital Inclusion Advisor for Ethnic Minority Communities.

Twitter/X @DC_Wales

Facebook Digital Communities Wales

Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales (EYST)

EYST Wales is an award-winning organisation set up to support ethnic minority young people, their families and communities in Wales.


Our mission is to tell stories that are or would otherwise go untold or unheard. We do this through theatre. We challenge the arts sector in Wales and beyond to embrace diversity and we export our ideas and work across the UK and the rest of the world.

FAN Friends & Neighbours Group

The FAN Charity encourages friends and organisations to know about independent FAN Groups where people meet in a spirit of friendship.

National Training Federation for Wales

The National Training Federation for Wales (NTFW) is a Wales-wide representative body for all those organisations or individuals involved in the delivery of learning in the workplace. Members range from small specialist training providers to national and international organisations, as well as local authorities and charities.

Ethnic Minority Welsh Women Achievement Association

EMWWAA (formerly known as WAWAA) is a charitable organisation which aims to empower women and girls of ethnic minority origin and to applaud their success and representation in all aspects of Welsh life.

Hub Cymru Africa

Hub Cymru Africa is Wales’ leading international development and global solidarity organisation, supporting organisations across Wales in building sustainable links and projects in partnership with organisations in Africa and beyond.

Stand Up to Racism Wales

A page for anti racism campaigns and anti racists in Wales to organise and promote anti racism activity.

Show Racism the Red Card - Wales

Anti-racism education charity that supports young people and adults through a variety of programmes. Also, works with professional, semi-professional and grassroots sport clubs / players who support our charity.


Race Council Cymru

Race Council Cymru (RCC) is the overarching umbrella body established by ethnic minority grassroots communities in Wales to bring organisations together to combat racial prejudice, race discrimination, harassment, victimisation, abuse and violence.

Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel

SSAP formed in 2009 when a number of African diaspora groups in Wales met to consider how they might collectively advance their common interest in local issues affecting African communities in Wales and Africa. We apply our lived experience, skills, capacity and knowledge found within Welsh African diaspora communities.

The Romani Cultural and Arts Company

We are a community led development and educational organisation which aims to ensure that Gypsy, Roma & Traveller (GRT) communities can live in a more equal society.

Tai Pawb

Tai Pawb promotes equality and social justice in housing in Wales. We believe that all people have the right to access good quality housing and homes in cohesive and safe communities. We want to reduce prejudice, disadvantage and poverty.

Travelling Ahead Advice and Advocacy Service - TGP Cymru

TGP Cymru offering advice and support on rights and entitlements and support the participation of communities and tackling negative media. We also co-deliver training with community members to improve services and are a third party hate crime reporting centre. 

Welsh Refugee Council

The WRC support asylum seekers and refugees to build new futures in Wales and speak out on behalf of people who flee persecution, conflict and oppression from around the world.

Get in touch

If you would like to add your organisation to our website please get in touch. We welcome organisation building connections in Wales.