Cardiff and South Central

African Caribbean Medical Association

The objectives of the African Caribbean Medical Association (ACMA) are to promote greater racial diversity and equality of opportunity for African and Afro-Caribbean people within medical schools and the healthcare sector in the UK.

BAWSO: Cardiff, Caerphilly, Merthyr

Established in 1995, BAWSO is an all Wales organisation providing services for those affected or are at risk of domestic abuse and all forms of violence.

Black Lives Matter Cardiff

A community organisation for the Black Lives Movement, in Cardiff.

Bangladesh Welfare Association

A national body working to ensure the development and recognition of the role of the Cardiff Bangladeshi voluntary and community sector.

Bridges Traveller Project - SMT

SMT offers services to people of all age groups that increases confidence and enables communities to feel safer. The organisation has served the community of Merthyr Tydfil since its inception however, SMT formally extended its area of benefit in 2006 to include a Wales wide remit.

Butetown Community Centre

At Butetown Community Centre, we provide an array of social/cultural events, family parties, adult education classes, corporate functions and meeting space.

Cardiff Bangladeshi Society

The group aims to bring representatives from all different groups and sections including gender, age, and social status, together to act as a balanced representation of the Bangladeshi community in Cardiff in order to identify and address the needs of the community.

Cardiff Reform Synagogue

We are a Community rich in strong attachments to Reform Judaism and proud of a diverse membership which enhances our very existence. The Synagogue aims to provide a less traditional style of religious Services than had previously been available in the Welsh Capital whilst, at the same time, ensuring a continued adherence to Jewish values and customs.

CCAWS - Community Care and Wellbeing Service

Our aim is to help people learn and develop mental, emotional, social and spiritual strength for life.

Displaced People in Action- Cardiff

DPA support Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Wales

Diverse Cymru

A Welsh charity committed to supporting people faced with inequality and discrimination because of: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

Ethnic Minority Welsh Women Achievement Association- Cardiff

EMWWAA (formerly known as WAWAA) is a charitable organisation which aims to empower women and girls of ethnic minority origin and to applaud their success and representation in all aspects of Welsh life.

Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales (EYST)

EYST Wales is an award-winning organisation set up to support ethnic minority young people, their families and communities in Wales. Provision in Cardiff and support in surrounding areas.

FAN Friends & Neighbours Group - Cardiff, Barry, Bridgend & Caerphilly

The FAN Charity encourages friends and organisations to know about independent FAN Groups where people meet in a spirit of friendship.

FIO - Cardiff

Our mission is to tell stories that are or would otherwise go untold or unheard. We do this through theatre. We challenge the arts sector in Wales and beyond to embrace diversity and we export our ideas and work across the UK and the rest of the world.

The Friends of Cardiff Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia (FOCSCT)

FOCSCT is an organisation that draws its members from the residents of Cardiff communities who are either suffering or support a sufferer with Sickle Cell or Thalassaemia.

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A grassroots cultural organisation and platform for radical thinking, creative practice and social change.

Glitter Cymru

Set up in June 2016 as a monthly meet-up group for people who identify Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and LGBT+ .

Gypsies and Travellers Wales

We support and enable Gypsies and Travellers to achieve an equitable and high quality standard of living, we work mainly in and around Cardiff. 

Hayaat Women Trust

A Women-led organisation that has been formed in Cardiff to support and empower the less advantaged African people in Wales and Sub-Saharan African countries. We provide Drop in Advocacy service for African people to help and advise them to enable them accessing public services. 

Horn Development Association

Horn Development Association provide the Black Asian Minority Ethnic community to avail the opportunities in Cardiff.

Hub Cymru Africa - Cardiff

Hub Cymru Africa is Wales’ leading international development and global solidarity organisation, supporting organisations across Wales in building sustainable links and projects in partnership with organisations in Africa and beyond.

India Centre - Hindu Cultural Association (Wales)

India Centre HCA Wales - Hindu Cultural Association is a charitable trust run by Indian Community in Wales whose aim is to facilitate seamless integration of the Indian Community to the wider local community.

Jukebox Collective

Black-led collective elevating marginalised communities and creating platforms for tomorrow's creative voices.

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Knowledge-based Intercommunity Relationship and Awareness Network (KIRAN) is a non-profit organisation based in Wales. It seeks to foster knowledge-based acceptance of different cultures, heritage and traditions prevalent among various communities in the UK.

The Mentor Ring

We aim to build stronger and more cohesive communities by enhancing understanding between diverse sections of the community, building mutual respect and tolerance and by overcoming the barriers to social inclusion

Race Equality First

Recognised lead body in South Wales for tackling discrimination and hate crime and promoting the message that Race Equality is a human right.

National Training Federation for Wales

The National Training Federation for Wales (NTFW) is a Wales-wide representative body for all those organisations or individuals involved in the delivery of learning in the workplace. Members range from small specialist training providers to national and international organisations, as well as local authorities and charities.

Oasis Cardiff

Provide a range of services to refugees and asylum seekers.  This includes a drop in centre open 5 days a week providing a café and lunch. ESOL provision, employability provision, integration case workers, women only sessions, trips into the community, catering, volunteering opportunities, bike maintenance, art and music sessions, sport sessions.

The Romani Cultural and Arts Company

We are a community led development and educational organisation which aims to ensure that Gypsy, Roma & Traveller (GRT) communities can live in a more equal society.

SEF Cymru

SEF-Cymru was formed in 2000 to address the under-achievement of Cardiff students. Since then, we have been dedicated to the growth and education of young children so that they may better their chances of receiving a satisfactory grades in their exams.

Show Racism the Red Card Wales - Cardiff

Anti-racism education charity that supports young people and adults through a variety of programmes such as school workshops, teacher training and social inclusion.

Sikh Council of Wales

Sikh Council of Wales is an organisation independent of any political or cultural influence or bias but dedicated solely to promote the universal message of 'One God' and 'Equality' among all people through the teachings of 'Guru Nanak to Guru Granth'.

Somaliland Mental Health Organisation

Our mission is to advocate for individuals experiencing mental health challenges, educate the community and the people of Somaliland about mental health issues, and foster collaborative partnerships with stakeholders dedicated to mental health initiatives.

The Somali Mindfulness Podcast

Young people talking about issues which we may face in our community and how we tackle these stigmas.

South Riverside Community Development Centre

Anti-Poverty + Education and learning support, advice, community development and youth work targeted at the Black Asian Minority Ethnic communities.

South Wales Black Police Association

We are a support organisation helping Black/Asian staff in the police with issues and also making sure the BME members of the public are served well by the police.

South Wales Jamaica Society

The South Wales Jamaica Society was established in November 2018, to develop across South Wales to build on the efforts of the North Wales Jamaica Society.

Stand Up to Racism Vale

Stand Up To Racism (SUTR) Vale are a Black-led Campaign Group who, with the strong support of Allies, are looking to unite our communities – locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel

SSAP formed in 2009 when a number of African diaspora groups in Wales met to consider how they might collectively advance their common interest in local issues affecting African communities in Wales and Africa. We apply our lived experience, skills, capacity and knowledge found within Welsh African diaspora communities.

Tai Pawb

Tai Pawb promotes equality and social justice in housing in Wales. We believe that all people have the right to access good quality housing and homes in cohesive and safe communities. We want to reduce prejudice, disadvantage and poverty.

Tiger Bay Amateur Boxing Club

A boxing club situated in Butetown (Tiger Bay). Through historical figures, we aim to build and encourage young talented athletes to master sports excellence.

Tiger Bay Juniors

Tiger Bay Youth is a charity organisation that helps the youth in the deprived areas of Cardiff.

Travelling Ahead Advice and Advocacy Service - TGP Cymru - Cardiff

TGP Cymru offering advice and support on rights and entitlements and support the participation of communities and tackling negative media. We also co-deliver training with community members to improve services and are a third party hate crime reporting centre. 

Trinity Centre

As a Centre, Trinity works with some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people in our community. Helping people address inequality, tackle poverty and empowering them to create and implement plans to achieve positive outcomes for themselves and their families. The Trinity Centre is run under the auspices of the Methodist Church, but is supported by, and is for, people of all faiths and none.

Welsh Refugee Council - Cardiff

The WRC support asylum seekers and refugees to build new futures in Wales and speak out on behalf of people who flee persecution, conflict and oppression from around the world.

Where I'm Coming From

A community-focused open mic collective featuring underrepresented writers from Wales and beyond.


Women Connect First

Women Connect First was established on 1 March 2001, St. David’s Day, to empower Black & Minority Ethnic Women in Cardiff and South East Wales by offering a range of services and training in order to improve their livelihoods and employability.

Women Seeking Sanctuary Advocacy Group Wales

We are an advocacy and research group which works with and for refugee women and their families to enhance their ability to rebuild their lives. We are committed to campaign on women’s issues, to promote social cohesion, confidence building/ self-esteem and to enhance active citizenship.