Carmen's time at EYST

About me:

I'm Carmen. I live in Carmarthen, Wales. I've moved around my entire life and I'm a proud mum of two cats.


What I was doing before my placement:

Before this placement I was working on developing my business idea for a reiki practice and had finished doing a year of performing arts in college.


Who is my placement with?

My placement is with Mess up the Mess theatre company.


What I’ve been doing on the placement:

This week, I have been getting quotes from different bus companies for an upcoming project. Later on this week, I will be with MUTM and the young people in person doing tech training.


Best thing about my placement:

What I enjoy most is working with the young people and watching them cultivate and develop their ideas, by giving them a safe and accepting environment to work in.


Three words I can use to describe my placement are:

Supportive, Fun and Expansive.



Honestly, I'm just very thankful for this opportunity, and I love getting to learn new things as well as developing my own skill set.



EYST Wales achieves Trusted Charity Mark award


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