All Wales BAME Engagement Programme
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What is it?
The All Wales Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Engagement Programme is a Welsh Government funded project which aims to provide a strong voice for race equality in Wales.
Since the commencement of the programme in 2017, EYST has continued engaging and consulting minority ethnic networks with diverse representation of minority ethnic individuals by way of regular engagement and awareness sessions on three thematic specialisms.: Children and Young People; Older People; and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic People and Policing.
The All Wales BAME Engagement project continues working with partners and stakeholders to provide expert advice on race equality to inform and influence Welsh Government policies and public services to better reflect and respond to the needs of BAME communities in Wales. This includes providing evidence-based responses to key Welsh Government consultations and proposing changes to legislation, including their impact on Minority Ethnic communities.
The programme will also work collaboratively with the race equality and ethnic minority community sector, offering support, information, and advice to grassroots Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic organisations and feeding into Third Sector infrastructure organisations. EYST will continue working with partners to co-deliver Cross Equalities Mentoring Project: Equal Power, Equal Voice, supporting minority ethnic people to take up public appointments. This forms part of EYST`s commitment to showcase, unite and amplify voices for racial equality in Wales.
Take a look at our research here: All Wales Engagement Programme Research
As part of our All Wales Black Asian Minority Ethnic Engagement Programme, EYST Wales has been working on mapping the breadth and diversity of organisations in Wales. Click the link to find organisations near you
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What the project offers:
The programme is led by a Programme Manager, working with a team of two Policy Officers and a Marketing and Communications Officer who help collate and disseminate evidence from regional and local project activity, and wider research and consultation related to diverse communities in Wales. We work collaboratively with third sector organisations, and key public bodies to discuss and prioritise issues affecting people from ethnic minorities and press for change. In addition, we deliver bespoke training and awareness sessions on race equality and related topics as required, including monthly engagement meetings on issues affecting BAME communities.
Who We Work With:
We seek to engage with a wide range of stakeholders involved in race issues across Wales, from individuals to community groups and organisations, as well as mainstream partners from across the public, private and third sectors.
Across Wales
Our Team
Selima Bahadur, All Wales Programme Manager -
Twahida Akbar, Policy Officer -
Jainaba Conteh, Policy Officer -
Get in touch about this project:
Grateful acknowledgement of our funders & supporters