Race and Housing Project
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What is it?
Race and Housing in Wales - a fresh perspective project funded by the Oak Foundation to look into the issues and challenges of racial inequalities in Housing across Wales. The project supports with case work to individuals, to build evidence to shape and influence policy in the Housing sector whilst working with a network of partners in Wales.
What the project offers?
Provide direct support to individuals and families: which includes help with accessing housing (including housing association, private rentals and council) and tackling inadequate or poor housing conditions.
Empower and support people to assert their housing rights, provide guidance on tenancy rights, deposit protection and fair housing practices.
Gather Wales specific current data related to race and housing. Influence policy and advocate for equity in housing opportunities and conditions.
Deliver housing related free training and awareness sessions.
Who do we work with?
Ethnic minorities across Wales.
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Grateful acknowledgement of our funders & supporters