BME Sport Cymru
Increasing BME participation in sport to promote positive health and wellebing.
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What is it?
It is a sports programme based in Swansea which aims to engage with a wide range of BME communities to increase their participation in sport. This includes making sport more inclusive.
What does the project offer?
Led by our Project Worker Nicky Nijjer, the project offers advice and practical support to community groups to help them access resources to develop their own sporting programme and increase participation in wider sporting opportunities. Where possible, advice and guidance is also given to sports and leisure providers and sporting governing bodies to help them increase their understanding of barriers to participation for BME communities, and to increase participation from under-represented groups.
Who do we work with?
The project engages closely with sports-based organisations operating in the Swansea region. We have worked with the following: Cricket Wales, the Football Association of Wales, Royal Yachting Association, National Pool Wales, LC2 and more. It also works closely with - and the project is co-located within - the Local Authority in Swansea’s Sports Development Team. Over 20 community groups have been supported in the region to date.
For more information about the project and its current offering, please get in touch with
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