BME Children and Young People's Project
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What is it?
Funded by Welsh Government through the Sustainable Social Services Third Sector Grant, Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team (EYST Wales) are pleased to announce our new exciting BME CYP Project to support children aged 0 to 25 and their families who have additional or multiple needs. Basically, anyone in need of additional help or support.
This project had the unique experience of starting during the Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing lockdown restrictions. In this challenging context, the team have worked exceptionally hard to establish an effective working structure and deliver services at pace to children and young people in Cardiff, Newport and Wrexham.
As we now clearly understand, the Coronavirus has exposed long-standing and entrenched inequalities and has made day to day life far harder for those who were already the most disadvantaged. The acute needs of the children and young people reached by this project has really underlined the importance of the project and the urgency of supporting them, sometimes with basic needs such as food, clothing, welfare benefits and digital access for home schooling.
The project works towards 8 National Wellbeing Outcomes including:-
· Securing rights and entitlements
· Social and economic wellbeing
· Protection from abuse and neglect
· Education, training and recreation
· Contribution made to society
· Physical, Mental and Emotional Wellbeing
The service aims to provide support culture-sensitive, person-centred and rights-based support service, building on and connecting to EYST’s work with BME Children and Young People.
Most of families we support come from very low economic status and asylum seekers and refugee’s backgrounds. Impact on costs of living has had a massive effect on ethnic minority families, BME CYP Project is vital service for those in need and provide crisis support. We work very closely with local partners and stakeholders to provide the best possible service and signpost when required.
The service is delivered by 2 full time and 3 part-time project workers based in Wrexham, Newport, Cardiff and covering the surrounding local authority areas.
We provide youth drop in and activities to empower and enhance young people skills to achieve the best of their ability and have fun in a safe environment, feeling part of the community.
For more info on our Cardiff Projects please see below:
Please contact:
Contact Project Lead: Fateha@eyst,
BME CYP Referral Form:
Meet the Team
Fateha Ahmed - BME CYP Project Lead
Hajer Newman- Youth Support/ BME CYP Support Worker (Wrexham)
Mumtaz Aslam
Suma Subhan - Youth Support Worker(Cardiff)/BME CYP Support Worker (Newport)
Nicky Nijjer
Adam Gauvain
Uzma Khan - Youth Support Worker(Torfaen)/BME CYP Support Worker (Newport)
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Grateful acknowledgement of our funders & supporters