BAME Sector Survey Launch!

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has had a significant impact on BAME individuals, and we are also starting to acknowledge the impact on the community and voluntary sector in the UK, including here in Wales. The recent report by The Ubele Initiative showed that close on 9 out of 10 BAME micro and small community and voluntary organisations could close within three months as a result of the pandemic.

The BAME Sector in Wales provides an invaluable service, drawing on a unique set of expertise, knowledge and professional practice to address the concerns and support requirements of Wales’ migrant, minoritised and marginalised population groups. 

The Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales (EYST), working with partners, has commissioned a study to help better understand the impact of the pandemic on BAME community and voluntary organisations in Wales. If you’re working in a BAME community and voluntary organisation[1] in Wales, we would like to hear from you

Your participation will help us to:

·      build a more accurate picture of the concerns and impact of the pandemic during, and as lock down measures begin to ease;

·      capture the ways in which BAME community groups and organisations are working innovatively, and seeking to provide services and support to Wales’ BAME residents during this period of crisis;

·      inform key funders and policy-makers on how they respond to the crisis with respect to the impact on BAME communities and organisations.

Dr Roiyah Saltus, University of South Wales, who is an Adviser for the study, stated:

“In the present climate in particular, it is vitally important to capture stories of innovation and excellence, as well as stories that could provide insight into the struggles and challenges faced by community groups and organisation that are led, or work on behalf of BAME population groups. Our aim is for the stories to provide the basis of a powerful evidence base”. 

The survey is being supported by and disseminated via Race Alliance Wales, a coalition of individuals and organisations working towards Race Equality in Wales. Speaking on behalf of Butetown Community Association, Gaynor Legall said 

This survey will provide a unique opportunity to showcase the important work that BAME community groups do in Wales and will also help to identify what support is needed to help us grow and develop. I encourage all BAME groups in Wales to take part.”

The initiative is also being welcomed by WCVA as it will provide a strong and up to date evidence base about the needs of the sector, which can inform and shape the response from policy makers and funders n Wales. Anna Nicholl, Director of Strategy at WCVA said, “We know that BAME voluntary organisations are playing a vital role in supporting communities during COVID-19; but also, that they are managing a huge increase in demand whilst being one of the least resilient parts of our sector. We welcome this evidence base so that we can all target resource more effectively to enable these groups.”

To participate in the survey, click here . The survey opens on 16TH June 2020 and closes 31ST July 2020.

We look forward to receiving your response.

Rocio Cifuentes,

Chief Executive, EYST


Notes to Editors

About Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team

Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team (EYST) Wales is a leading Welsh charity which supports BME young people, families, individuals and community groups living in Wales to contribute, participate and be valued members of Welsh society. We provide a range of services to achieve this aim including one to one support, family support, advice and support for refugees, asylum seekers and EU migrants, volunteering, supported employment and capacity building. We also aim to challenge and counter negative stereotypes about racial diversity and to increase awareness and understanding about the diverse communities who live in Wales. 

For more information visit:

Contact: Rocio Cifuentes, EYST CEO

07971 302829

[1] Defined as any community group or organisation which is run predominantly by or for people of Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic Backgrounds.


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