Cultural Diversity

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Cultural Diversity

Cultural Diversity in the Welsh Context:
Why it matters and what you need to know

What is it about?

Aim – The purpose of the training is to give participants greater understanding of the diverse cultures and communities living within Wales, different patterns and types of immigration, and why it matters and impacts on services for local diverse communities in an equal opportunities context.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will:

  • Be able to define and understand Culture, Diversity and Equal Opportunity, and the differences between these.
  • Have up to date knowledge of the legislation relating to Equality and Discrimination in the UK
  • Understand the importance of cultural diversity in providing an equitable and accessible service
  • Understand the different cultures settled in Wales, the ethnic breakdown and what customs and values are held by the diverse communities and its impact on service provision.
  • Explore stereotyping and discrimination and its impact on victims.
  • Identify best practice in supporting culturally diverse individuals
Who is it for?

This training provides up to date and crucial understanding of the importance of Cultural Diversity for anyone service providers seeking to provide an accessible and equitable service. It is suitable for front line practitioners as well as line managers, officers and service commissioners responsible for promoting equality and diversity within organisations.

Why should you attend?

This course assists in enhancing practitioners’, managers’ and service commissioners’ understanding of cultural diversity within Wales, and how it impacts on service delivery. By the end of the course participants will understand the legislation around equality and diversity, and their implications for equitable services. Participants will also have the opportunity to consider and reflect on the impact of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination using an empathetic and experiential learning approach. Attendance on this course will increase understanding of the importance of community cohesion and empathy towards diverse ethnic minority communities.

For booking and costs, please contact

Cultural Diversity in the Welsh Context - Training Services - EYST - Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales