Generous Donation!

Generous Donation!
05 September

Generous Donation!

EYST has worked extremely hard over the last 18 years to support our clients across Wales, starting off in 2005. We do not do this work to seek credit or praise and we are always humbled when organisations and people freely share their support of our work whether through volunteering or financial giving.

Recently we were approached by Swansea Legal Firm Stowe Family Law who wanted to donate to our work in Swansea to support our work with Young people

“Stowe Family Law are proud to offer EYST Wales with a donation to help support young BME people and meet their needs. We would wholeheartedly encourage other local businesses to get involved and contribute in any way possible.” – Stowe Family Law Swansea

Stowe family law logo

Grateful acknowledgement of our funders & supporters